Should you repair or replace your air conditioning system?

repair or replace your acOne of the most popular questions posed to our North NJ HVAC technicians is whether or not a customer should continue with repairs and maintenance for their system or invest in a replacement. The fact remains that if you do replace your system, you still have to properly maintain and keep up with repairs. Here are some general questions to consider when thinking about ac repair versus a new hvac system.

How Old Is Your HVAC System?

If your system is more than 10 years old, then it is probably in your best interest to get a replacement. Even if it runs properly and is relatively dependably, it’s way behind the times. HVAC systems have dramatically improved over the years, and why not improve the quality of the air in your home.

What Is The Air Comfort Level In Your Home?

Depending on the age or the quality of your last HVAC service you may have an oversized air conditioning unit. If your HVAC system is larger than necessary then it will cycle on and off too fast, this could leave your home more humid than cool. If you find that your home has hot spots in the summer and cold spots in the winter then your system is undersized and not able to properly vent throughout the home. It could also indicate possible leaks in ducts. You want to make sure that all rooms within your home are cooling properly.

Do You Have Large Energy Bills?

Another sign of an old or inefficient system is the amount of electricity it needs to produce the same amount of cooling or heating in areas of your home. Sometimes this means just replacing filters, other times it requires a replacement. Our customers have reported a 40-60% decrease in their energy bill following the installation of a new air conditioning.

Is There More Dust In Your Home Than Usual?

If you’re noticing an increase in dust, then you may have ducts that are no properly installed, or have rips and tears in them. This can pull particles from an attic or other areas and blow them throughout the home. We examine ducts for possible leaks and in many cases we can seal them without the need for full-duct replacement.

Does Your System Break Down Regularly?

Depending on the age of your system you could be looking at costly repairs each year in high usage seasons. Older systems break down frequently; it’s worth it to replace your system if this is occurring.

Interested in rebates, tax incentives, and financing options?

North NJ HVAC Services offers several financing options in order to serve your needs better. We will help you understand the current rebates and tax incentives available to you and your family. To take full advantage of this rebates and tax incentives you will need to purchase a new system, but depending on the age of yours it is worth it.

We serve the following areas: Bergen County NJMorris County NJHudson County NJEssex County NJPassaic County NJUnion County NJ

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